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Dog insurance or not?

To insure or not to insure? That's the question many dog ​​owners ask themselves. And frankly, it's not an easy decision. There are many factors to consider when considering dog insurance. To help you decide, in this blog we're going to discuss some of the most important considerations, but in a light-hearted way.

Let's start with the first point:


Let's face it: insuring your dog costs money. And depending on the type of insurance you choose and the age and health of your dog, it can be quite a bit of money. On the other hand, if you choose not to insure and your dog needs medical care, the cost could be even higher.

So what should you do? You can prepare an Excel sheet with all costs on one side and the number of benefits on the other. Just kidding. What you really need to do is think carefully about what you're willing to pay and what kind of coverage you want. Do you only want cover for accidents or also for medical expenses? How much deductible are you willing to pay? And how much can you afford to pay monthly for insurance?

Health risks

Dogs are just like humans and can get sick or injured. However, some dog breeds are more prone to health problems than others. This may mean that insuring a dog of one breed is more expensive than insuring another breed.

It's important to consider your dog's health history and the risk of illness or injury. If your dog is of a breed known for certain health issues, it may be wise to consider insurance to protect yourself against unexpected medical expenses.

Your dog's age

Like humans, dogs become more vulnerable to health problems as they age. Many insurers have an age limit for insuring dogs. This may mean that you will not be able to insure your dog once it reaches a certain age.

If you have a young dog it might be worth considering insuring it. You then have cover for unexpected medical costs, should your dog become ill or have an accident. However, if your dog is getting older, it may not be worth paying for insurance.

Own risk

As with any insurance policy, a deductible is charged when you file a claim with a dog insurance policy. This

can range from a few hundred to thousands of dollars, depending on the type of insurance you have and the amount you're willing to pay.

It is important to think carefully about the excess that you want to pay. If you choose a higher deductible, your monthly premium will be lower. This may seem appealing, but if your dog needs medical attention, the deductible may be high enough that you still end up paying a lot.

What's included?

Every dog ​​insurance policy is different, so it's important to check exactly what is covered. Some insurance policies only cover accidents, while others also cover medical expenses. It is important to know which treatments and procedures are covered and which are not.

It's also important to know if the insurance policy has a limit on total payouts. This can vary from a few thousand euros to unlimited, depending on the insurance you choose. It's important to know what the limit is and if it's enough to cover any medical expenses your dog might have in the future.

Benefits of insuring your dog

Now that we've covered what to consider when considering dog insurance, let's look at some of the benefits of having insurance.

Peace of mind

Having dog insurance can give you peace of mind knowing that you are covered financially if something happens to your dog. If your dog needs medical care, you know that you don't have to shoulder the costs alone and that your insurance can help you pay the bill.

Cost savings

Dog insurance can help you cover unexpected medical expenses that would otherwise have a major impact on your finances. It can be much cheaper to pay a monthly premium than to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket for your dog's medical care.

Access to veterinary care

Dog insurance allows you to access veterinary care that you might not otherwise be able to afford. This means that your dog can receive the best possible care, regardless of cost.

Disadvantages of insuring your dog

As with anything, there are downsides to insuring your dog. Below we discuss some of the main drawbacks.


The biggest drawback to having dog insurance is the cost. Insurance can be expensive, especially if you opt for comprehensive coverage and a low deductible. This can mean that you spend a lot of money on insurance every month

that you can't afford to keep it. It is therefore important to carefully consider the costs and determine whether you can afford it before deciding to purchase insurance.

Limitations and Exclusions

Every dog ​​insurance policy has limitations and exclusions. This means that certain treatments or conditions are not covered by insurance. It's important to understand these limitations and exclusions before purchasing insurance so you don't have any unpleasant surprises if your dog needs medical attention.

Excess and waiting times

Dog insurance often has a deductible and waiting periods. The deductible is the amount you have to pay yourself before the insurance company starts paying for your dog's medical expenses. Waiting periods are the period during which you cannot use the insurance after you have taken it out. It is important to consider these factors when choosing an insurance policy.

What should you consider before buying dog insurance?

If you decide to take out dog insurance, there are some important things to keep in mind.

Age of your dog

Your dog's age can affect the cost of insurance and the coverage available. Some insurance plans have limitations for older dogs, while others offer special coverage for older dogs. It's important to know what the options are for your dog's age before purchasing insurance.

Your dog's medical history

If your dog has had medical problems in the past, this can affect insurance coverage and costs. Some insurers may exclude certain conditions if your dog has a history of these conditions. It is important to know your dog's medical history before purchasing insurance.

type of insurance

There are different types of dog insurance policies available, each with different levels of coverage and costs. It is important to know which type of insurance is best for you and your dog. Consider factors such as your dog's age and medical history, and how much you're willing to pay.


Whether or not to insure your dog is a personal decision that depends on several factors. Dog insurance can give you peace of mind and help you cover unexpected medical expenses, but it can also be expensive and have limitations. It is important to think carefully

about the costs and coverage before you make a decision. Make sure you weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision.

If you decide to take out dog insurance, it is important to do proper research into the different insurers and their policies. Compare the costs and coverage of different insurance policies and read reviews from other dog owners to make an informed choice.

Remember that while it's important to care for your dog's health and well-being, it's also important to consider the financial impact of medical care on your wallet. By doing proper research and making the right decision, you can ensure that your dog gets the best care it deserves without worrying about cost.


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